There are nearly 4,000 security agents working in Luxembourg. Most of these jobs, however, are filled by agents trained in neighbouring countries (France, Belgium and Germany). Indeed, until last year, Luxembourg had no qualifying course for this specialisation.
Since the beginning of 2020, progress has been made in the professionalisation of the security sector.
An initial solution was implemented to address the issue of security agent qualification and training through the SITC (Security Industry Training Center).
This centre, funded by the signatories to the monitoring and surveillance sector agreement (including Dussmann Security as a key player in the sector), requires signatory companies to contribute 1% of their payroll for staff training.
The SITC is an organisation with a mission to design, centralise and organise training courses for the security agents of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It was set up by Fedil Security Services, Fedil – The voice of Luxembourg’s industry, and the MLQE (Mouvement Luxembourgeois pour la Qualité et l’Excellence) at the request of Luxembourg’s security firms.
The SITC now dispenses more than ten training courses, lasting from 4 hours to 15 days depending on the module.
Our collaboration with the centre also enables us to share our training needs, resulting in access to sessions tailored to our requirements.
It’s a win-win solution; as a business, we can supply our customers with qualified and competent agents; meanwhile, the agents develop their versatility and boost their desirability in the labour market.
Thanks to this arrangement, no fewer than 10,300 hours of training will be delivered this year to our employees at Dussmann Security.